1. Why is this exhibit a good choice for placement in your e-portfolio?
While doing the time line, I develeloped a lot of new skill learning how to make projects on excel. Also working with a partner, to both do equal amount of effort and time put in to this project. Last is the new information i learned about all the scientist in this time line and their significances.
2. What did you find most interesting about this exhibit activity and why?
What I found most interesting about the Time Line Project, is that it was very time consuming and difficult. I expected from the beginning that it would be an easy project, but I was definitely proven wrong. But it was still fun.;)
3. In what way(s) did you find this exhibit a challenge to complete?
There were two challenges to complete the Time Line which were partners, and gathering information. Partners were difficult because you both have different ideas, and the information was hard because some websites had faulty info.
4. If you were to do this activity again what changes would you make and why?
If i was to do the Time Line again I would make my ideas and format more creative. If i was more creative then it would have been better organized and funner for the viewer to see.
5. What change(s) in attitude or behavior helped you to meet the challenge?
My attitude had to change to be more willing to work in a pair rather that solo. My behavior habits changed also, because when we were completing the project it was hard to rotate every other on because you get distracted. So we each did half separately then came back together and completed it.
6. What grade would you give yourself for these reflections, from “1” to “4”, where “4” is the best? (Refer to the E-Portfolio Reflection Rubric.)Give specific evidence explaining why you gave yourself that grade
I believe that I would give myself a three four these reflections. The reason I choose this grade is because I gave my self one day to complete this. So maybe my answers were not thoroughly planned, and answered. That is why I gave myself a 3.